Sean’s Legacy is a public health nonprofit redefining primary prevention of suicide through education and mentorship

Sean’s Legacy

In early 2019, I founded Sean’s Legacy, ten years after the passing of Sean Myers. Sean was a 13 year old dancer and artistic honors student who was bullied for his bisexuality. He tragically lost his battle to depression at age 13 in 2009. To preserve his legacy, a high school classmate and I are working to increase LGBTQIA+ representation and identity education as a primary prevention method to reduce suicide among the LGBTQIA+ population.

Mentorship Platform

Sean’s Legacy is taking LGBTQIA+ representation a step further with our professional mentorship program in development, benefitting LGBTQIA+ young adults. Through a pro bono partnership with Tech Fleet, Sean’s Legacy is building a bespoke online platform to host the mentorship program.

Story Board

Illustrator: Ella Kim, UX Researcher

The storyboard above follows Nora, a trans high school student who’s feeling a bit lost and finds guidance about moving forward from Micah, a mentor she meets through Sean’s Legacy. With Micah’s help, Nora makes choices that get her into her top school.

Launch Timeframe

The program is anticipated to launch in late 2024. For more information on how to become a mentor, send Hope a message or visit

A Peek At Our Mentorship Platform Development

Hope Dehnert Hope Dehnert

Supporting and Uplifting LGBTQ Youth

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae.

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